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Why Shred?

Identity Theft

Identity theft and unauthorized disclosure of private information has reached epidemic proportions. According to the Better Business Bureau, last year alone this crime claimed more than 8.9 million victims. But information theft is not just something that affects consumers. The FBI estimates that information theft costs American businesses as much as $24 Billion in losses each and every year. With over 40 federal laws mandating that all businesses, healthcare facilities and financial institutions protect the confidential information of their customers,clients and patients, it’s imperative that you establish a shredding program. Failure to do so can expose your organization to severe fines, bad publicity and lost business. â€‹

To protect themselves, many business purchase paper shredders and place them around the office.but these bins are not secured and all personal and visitors have easy access to them However, this alone does not guarantee the documents are destroyed. This was made famous in the movie Erin Brockovich where "PG&E" had assigned someone to shred sensitive information and yet it was used against the company to a tune of a twenty eight billion dollar settlement. A more recent example is the medical files from Walter Reed that turned up in a dumpster. In both cases an employee assigned the task and given a paper shredder but they did not perform the work.Along with a shredder there must be supervision to verify that the volume of shredded paper is equal to that expected. There should also be documentation of the destruction. 

Office Shredders ARE NOT Enough

Document of Destruction

Along with a shredder there must be supervision to verify that the volume of shredded paper is equal to that expected. There should also be documentation of the destruction. 


This documentation should include:

 1.    Date and time of destruction 

2.    Place of destruction 

3.    Means of destruction 

4.    Name of person performing the destruction 

5.    Signature of witnessing manager


 AcuShred provides the security the job requires, the documentation required, and a price that is far below that of doing it in-house.We use onsite mobile shredders that can destroy eight thousand pounds of paper an hour and to a smaller particle size then in house shredders then mix it with a large volume of other shredded paper and then recycle it all. â€‹

What Should I Shred? 


  • Account records and ledgers

  • Activity sheets

  • Advertising

  • Applications

  • Appraisals

  • Bank statements

  • Bids and quotes

  • Budgets

  • Business plans

  • Canceled checks

  • Client lists

  • Contact lists

  • Corporate tax records

  • Correspondence

  • Customer records

  • Disciplinary reports and promotions

  • Educational reports

  • Expense reports

  • Financial statements

  • Forecasts

  • Formulas, product plans and tests

  • General service information


  • Health and safety reports Internal reports

  • Legal Documents

  • Lottery tickets

  • Magnetic media

  • Maps and blueprints

  • Marketing plans

  • Medical records

  • Microfilm and microfiche

  • New product information

  • Payroll documents

  • Performance appraisals

  • Personnel files

  • Plastic credit and ID cards

  • Research and development reports

  • Sales forecasts

  • Specification drawings

  • Strategic reports

  • Strategies

  • Supplier purchase orders

  • Supplier reports

  • Supplier specifications

  • Test scores and class roster

  • Training information programs


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